Learn About Our Commitment To 100% Reuse.

Learn About Our Commitment To 100% Reuse.
VDR Resale is a technology and hardware recycling company passionate about electronic waste reduction and improving the cycle of technology. We are an earth-friendly company the truly cares about the planet. Our aim is to help businesses refurbish, reuse and recycle every piece of IT equipment that they have safely & securely. That is why the public sector, emergency services, and businesses of all sizes choose VDR Resale to help them with their technology lifecycle management.
We understand that retiring your old IT equipment while remaining compliant and eco-friendly can be quite the balancing act. VDR Resale offers several methods of data destruction, hard drive disposal, and electronics recycling. We offer periodic or WEEE waste collections on demand to ensure that toxic items found in E-waste never make it to landfills.
Not sure if your equipment can be resold, refurbished or needs recycling? Get in touch with us today and we can help. If your equipment can be sold we will buy it for you offering the best market prices. If not we will collect the equipment and help your business recycle it safely and efficiently.